Top 10k strings from Computer Cook Book, The - Recipes 2 (1984)(Bug-Byte Software).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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  17 "4","0","1"
   8 "3","0","1"
   3 me Patissi
   3 "4","1","1","2"
   3 "4","1","1","1"
   2 u$="Fl Oz":
   2 recipes2  ,
   2 "recipes2"
   2 "7","0","2"
   2 "6","2","2","3","5"
   2 "3";"PLEASE 
   2 "3","1","1","2"
   2 "2","0","1"
   1 ~ thick & lay in colan-   der, sprinkled generously with  salt. Wipe courgettes, cut off  ends & cut & salt in same way.  Leave 
   1 ~ deep & bake at Mk  6,400
   1 ~  thick slices.","Dry aubergines & courgettes &   fry in oil few bits at a time,  till light brown both sides."
   1 z$="IMH16641"
   1 v$="Metric":
   1 v$="Imperial":
   1 u$="Ltrs":
   1 recipes2  z
   1 recipes2  
   1 rec       
   1 re","3","n","Cox's Apples","56","g","Butter","2","T","Castor Sugar",".5","t","Ground Cinnamon"
   1 re","142","m","Whipping Cream","1","T","Vanilla Sugar","57","m","Strega (or Rum & Brandy)","28","g","Chopped Nuts","100","g","Chopped Glac
   1 re in  suitable size circle on serv-   ing dish. Mix nuts & fruits     into remaining cr
   1 re Cheese","284","m","Boiling Milk","0","#","*1"
   1 re & fold    in apples. Spread on less good  side of each pancake & roll.    Reserve one pancake unstuffed   to cover the others.","
   1 re  recipe in Misc. section as 
   1 me.Repeat  with two further layers.","
   1 me.","Cut sponge into 1/2~ slices &   layer 1/3 of them on cr
   1 me  on  dish.Sprinkle with 1/3 liqueur  & spread with 1/3 cr
   1 in sections,
   1 i$="Virgin Olive Oil":
   1 i$="Thinly Sliced Onions":
   1 i$="Salt & Pepper":
   1 i$="Dry White Wine":
   1 i$="Crushed Garlic cloves":
   1 i$="Chopped Parsley":
   1 i$="Chopped Onions":
   1 i$="Butter":
   1 i$="Bouquet Garni":
   1 e.","Add liqueur, whip cream & fold  in carefully.Refrigerate over-  night.","
   1 e. Add sugar    to taste.","Meanwhile, beat yolks with a    little sugar, pour on boiling   single cream & heat stirring    to make a custard.","Whip cream & when all cold,     mix & check sweetness.","
   1 \                    
   1 Sorry! That makes no sense, but do please feel free to try again":
   1 RECIPES2  
   1 PLEASE, don't play silly games, press the appropriate button!.  ":
   1 Now you've really done it!Pleaseenter something more sensible.  ":
   1 Ingredients for ";n$:
   1 Ingredients for 
   1 For how many?":
   1 COSMIC COLANDERS! YOU'VE GOT IT WRONG! Please have another go.  ":
   1 C. Sprin-  kle with icing sugar & serve."
   1 C, 5 hrs   by which time most of the liq-  uid should have gone. Correct   seasoning & serve.","
   1 C, 20-25 mins till  cooked through.Turn out of tin","
   1 C, 20   mins. Serve, flamed or not as   you wish."
   1 C till  pears are really soft.Remove    & boil down liquid to syrup.    Pour over pears & chill until   needed. Serve.","
   1 C oven in water bath  20-40 mins depending on size    of mould, until set.","
   1 C for 30  mins until apples have browned  slightly. Immediately brush     with hot apricot glaze. serve   hot, warm or cold with cream.","
   1 C for 1   hr till lightly coloured. If    still soft underneath, dry in   turned off oven or warm place","
   1 C 40-45 mins.","
   1 C 30 mins until golden.","
   1 C 20-30   mins till bubbling & browned.   Serve immediately.","This makes an excellent supper  dish served with bacon. Leave   out the breadcrumbs & arrange   rashers on top before heating   in the oven." 
   1 C  oven about 30 mins until milk   has evaporated & potatoes are   nicely browned.","
   1 C   oven, cool.","Meanwhile,break chocolate into  blocks, melt with single cream  over gentle heat & cool,stir-   ring till just setting.","Beat mixture until thickened &  pale. Fill flan case & chill.","
   1 C   covered with greaseproof paper  until sprouts are tender,25 to  30 mins. Serve immediately."
   1 As before, recipes are listed";
   1 <<BB~B>~B<~
   1 ;q;" ";u$;" ";i$
   1 ;q;" ";i$:
   1 ;((((((((((;88888888888888888888;((((((((((;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp((pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp((pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp((pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp((pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((--------------------------------((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((T
   1 .   Protect skin from splashes!"   
   1 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;((((((((((;88888888888888888888;((((((((((;8
   1 "~Speck~ is salted pork back      fat & can be found at most      good delicatessens."
   1 "Zuppa Inglese."
   1 "Zucchini."
   1 "Zabaglione."
   1 "You will find creme patissi
   1 "Vacherin."
   1 "Turos Palacsinta."
   1 "To Improve Frozen Peas."
   1 "This dish is often served al-   one as a supper dish. If so,    the sausage is added & quant-   ities are increased."
   1 "The sauce splashes everywhere,  adjust heat carefully & 
   1 "Tarte aux Pommes."
   1 "Take care not to burn caramel.  once sugar starts to take col-  our, heat 
   1 "Syllabub."
   1 "Stuffed Pancakes."
   1 "Salade Nicoise."
   1 "Roast Potatoes."
   1 "Red Cabbage."
   1 "Ratatouille."
   1 "Potatoes Paprik
   1 "Perfect Rice."
   1 "Pears in Honey."
   1 "Parsley Potatoes."
   1 "Old Fashioned Apple Pie."
   1 "Now what do you do? ";
   1 "Mayonnaise."
   1 "Mayonnaise can curdle if all    the ingredients are not at the  same temperature. Put them out  on the table overnight."
   1 "Make Glaze by boiling sieved    jam with a little sugar till    drops run sticky from spoon."
   1 "Kaiserschmarr'n."
   1 "Jam Pockets."
   1 "It is vital to add the oil      slowly at first- hence fork-.   If it appears to be curdling    beat in 1 tbs boiling water."
   1 "If, by some mischance the cus-  tard sets before you add cream  reheat it gently & recool."
   1 "I recommend Chocolat Menier.    Don't use fierce heat to melt chocolate, it burns easily."
   1 "Hungarian Style Vegetables."
   1 "Green Beans w. Almonds/Garlic"
   1 "Green Bean Salad."
   1 "Gratin Dauphinois/Savoyard."
   1 "Gooseberry Fool."
   1 "Good Green Salad."
   1 "Glazed Carrots."
   1 "Glazed Button Onions."
   1 "Fruit Salad in Marsala."
   1 "Fish Fumet."
   1 "Duxelles."
   1 "Don't worry if it goes lumpy,   it will smooth out with beat-   ing.
   1 "Creme Caramel."
   1 "Cold Lemon Souffl
   1 "Chocolate Pie."
   1 "Chocolate Mousse, Basquais."
   1 "Cauliflower au Gratin."
   1 "Braised Sprouts."
   1 "Braised Leeks."
   1 "Be careful when whisking, use   a wire whisk & don't overdo it  or the mixture will curdle."
   1 "Bavarois."
   1 "BEWARE! egg yolks curdle at a   temperature only just above     thickening point (175
   1 "BEWARE! Don't overheat or eggs  will curdle. If you whisk ALL   the time, they thicken safely."
   1 "Apricot/Orange Mousse."
   1 "8";"3  Miscellaneous"
   1 "8";"2  Vegetables";
   1 "8";"1  Desserts";
   1 "8","9","227","g","Aubergines","227","g","Courgettes","85","m","*5","227","g","*3","2","n","Sliced Green Peppers","2","n","*2","500","g","Ripe Tomatoes","3","T","Chopped Parsley","0","#","*1"
   1 "8","9","2","K","Cox's Apples","1","t","Lemon Juice","71","m","Sieved Apricot Jam","71","m","Brandy","113","g","Sugar","42","g","Butter",".5","t","Ground Cinnamon","120","m","Apricot Glaze","227","g","Sweet Shortcrust Pastry"
   1 "8","7","255","g","Chocolate Sponge","852","m","Cr
   1 "8","7","227","g","Shortcrust Pastry","227","g","Plain chocolate","284","m","Single Cream","142","m","Whipping Cream","1","T","Vanilla Sugar","0","#"," ","0","#","Anything you like to decorate."
   1 "8","6","6","n","Large Eggs Separated","170","g","Castor Sugar","2","n","Lemons","1.68","T","Gelatine","0","#","Salt","0","#","Cream of Tartar"
   1 "8","5","16","n","Leeks, Trimmed & cleaned","950","m","Water","110","g","*0","2.7","t","Salt","4","T","Chopped Parsley"
   1 "8","11","1","n","Crisp (Webbs type) Lettuce(s)","1","n","Thinly Sliced Green Pepper",".5","n","Thinly sliced Cucumber","3","n","Thinly sliced Stalks Celery",".5","n","Bunch Spring Onions","1","n","Bunch Cleaned Watercress","1","n","Clove Garlic","3","T","*5","1","T","Wine Vinegar",".5","t","French Mustard","0","#","*1"
   1 "7";"Page ";y;" of ";
   1 "7","10","Repeat till all added, cover    casserole & simmer on low heat  10 mins. Uncover, baste with    juices & season if needed.","Raise heat slightly & cook un-  covered till juices have gone,  taking care not to let burn.","
   1 "6","9","1","K","Cubed Potatoes","50","g","Danelard","100","g","*4","1","n","*2","200","g","Gyulai,cabanos or Chor-","0","#","izos sausages sliced (optional)","2","T","~Noble Sweet~ Paprika",".5","t","caraway seeds","0","#","*1"
   1 "6","9","0","#","Webbs type Lettuce","0","#","Tinned Tuna","0","#","Cooked New Potatoes","0","#","Cooked French Beans","0","#","Hardboiled Eggs","0","#","Stoned Black Olives","0","#","Quartered Tomatoes","0","#","Anchovy Fillets","0","#","Vinaigrette Dressing"
   1 "6","9","0","#","Makes about:-","568","m"," ","0","#"," ","170","g","Castor Sugar","5","n","Egg Yolks","78","g","Flour, sifted","426","m","Boiling Milk","14","g","*0","0","#","Flavourings"
   1 "6","9","0","#","Makes about :-","710","m"," ","0","#"," ","1","K","Fish/bones/trimmings","1","n","*3","8","n","Parsley Stalks","284","m","Dry White Wine","1","t","Lemon Juice",".25","t","Salt"
   1 "6","8","500","g","Strong Flour","4","n","Eggs, beaten","0","#","Salt","0","#","Danelard","56","g","Fresh Breadcrumbs","0","#","Damson Jam","0","#","Egg White","28","g","Caster Sugar"
   1 "6","8","3","n","Egg Whites","170","g","Castor Sugar","142","m","Whipping cream","170","g","Fruit steeped in liqueur","2","T","Vanilla Sugar","0","#","Cream of Tartar","0","#","Salt","0","#","Icing Sugar"
   1 "6","8","13","n","Pancakes","150","g","Cottage Cheese","120","g","Castor Sugar","30","g","Raisins","2","n","Eggs Separated","0","#","Vanilla Essence","0","#","Grated Lemon Rind","0","#","Icing Sugar"
   1 "6","7","4","n","Peaches","1","n","Pineapple","4","n","Pears","250","g","Strawberries","56","g","Sugar","0","#","Lemon Juice","142","m","Marsala"
   1 "6","7","340","g","Mushrooms","1","n","Chopped Shallot(s)","28","g","*0","0","#","Grated nutmeg","0","#","*1","1","t","Fresh Lemon Juice","2","T","Chopped Parsley"
   1 "6","6","910","g","Potatoes, sliced 1/8~","0","#","1 clove garlic","56","g","*0","110","g","Grated Gruy
   1 "6","6","680","g","Potatoes","28","g","~Speck~ (optional)","56","g","Danelard","170","g","*4","2","T","Chopped Parsley","0","#","*1"
   1 "6","6","500","g","Small Gooseberries","56","g","butter","0","#","Sugar to taste","142","m","single cream","142","m","Whipping cream","2","n","Egg yolks"
   1 "6","6","453","g","French Beans","28","g","*0","1","n","Chopped Clove Garlic OR","28","g","Slivered Almonds","0","#","*1","0","#","Chopped Parsley"
   1 "6","6","453","g","Button Onions","142","m","Stock or Wine","21","g","*0","1","T","Oil","0","#","*6","0","#","*1"
   1 "6","6","284","m","Double Cream","114","m","White Wine","2","T","Brandy","1","n","Lemon","56","g","Sugar","0","#","Nutmeg"
   1 "6","6","13","n","6~ Pancakes","142","m","Creme Patissi
   1 "6","6","113","g","Sugar","426","m","Milk","2","n","Eggs","4","n","Egg Yolks","0","#","1 Vanilla Pod","85","g","Sugar"
   1 "6","5","500","g","Dried Apricots","1","n","Orange","125","g","Sugar","142","m","Whipping Cream","4","T","Orange Liqueur"
   1 "6","3","680","g","Trimmed Brussel Sprouts","84","g","*0","0","#","*1"
   1 "6","3","680","g","Peeled Potatoes","56","g","Lard or Dripping","0","#","Salt"
   1 "6","3","6","n","Large Eggs","170","g","Castor Sugar","240","m","Marsala"
   1 "6","13","907","g","Thin Sliced Red Cabbage","113","g","Piece, Streaky Bacon","113","g","Sliced Old Carrots","113","g","*3","2","T","Lard","340","g","Diced Bramleys","426","m","Red Wine","426","m","Stock","2","n","*2","1","n","Bay leaf","0","#","Ground Cloves","0","#","Ground Nutmeg","0","#","*1"
   1 "6","13","680","g","Cox's Apples","0","#","Lemon Juice","85","g","Demerara Sugar","28","g","Barbados Muscovado Sugar","227","g","Flaky Pastry",".5","n","Lemon's Grated zest",".5","n","Orange's grated zest","56","g","Chopped Raisins","2","T","Orange juice","28","g","Butter",".25","t","Ground Cinnamon",".125","t","Nutmeg","1","T","Flour"
   1 "5";"METHOD";
   1 "5","7","Arrange florets in a suitable   ovenproof dish, warm sauce &    pour over. Sprinkle with the    breadcrumbs & a little melted   butter.","Heat at Mk6,400
   1 "5","7","170","g","Plain Chocolate","4","T","Black Coffee","14","g","Butter","1","T","Dark Rum","3","n","Eggs, separated","0","#","Salt","0","#","Cream of Tartar"
   1 "5","2","2","1","2"
   1 "5","0","2"
   1 "5","0","1"
   1 "4","9","2","n","Eggs, separated","142","m","Milk","113","g","Flour","56","g","Castor Sugar","1","T","Melted butter","50","g","Sultanas",".5","n","Lemon's Grated Zest","40","g","Butter","0","#","Vanilla sugar"
   1 "4","8","453","g","French Beans or Carrots","0","#","or Peas, Cauliflower or Celeriac","56","g","*0","28","g","Flour","0","#","Stock or water","0","#","*1","1","t","Sugar","1","T","Chopped Parsley"
   1 "4","8","0","#","Makes about:-","200","m"," ","0","#"," ","142","m","Oil","1","n","Egg Yolk","1","T","Lemon Juice",".5","t","French Mustard","0","#","*1"
   1 "4","7","Cut between the piles of jam    with a pastry wheel & spread    out on a floured board.","
   1 "4","6","Spread into pastry shell, cut   remaining apples lengthwise in  even slices & arrange in over-  lapping circles.","Bake at Mk5,375
   1 "4","6","In same oil, sweat onions,pep-  pers & garlic 10 mins till      tender (not brown) Season. Lay  tomatoes on top, cover & cook   on low heat 5 mins. Season.","Raise heat, uncover, baste the  tomatoes with pan juices, cook  till juices have almost all     gone. Remove from heat.","In fireproof casserole lay 1/3  tomato mixture, season, sprin-  kle with 1/3  parsley & add     
   1 "4","6","Immediately remove from heat &  cool, stirring occasionally.    Whip cream with rest of sugar.","As soon as custard begins to    set, fold in whipped cream &    pour into serving bowl. Chill   till ready to serve.","
   1 "4","6","500","g","Diced Carrots","28","g","*0",".5","t","Sugar","85","m","Chicken Stock","0","#","*1","1","T","Chopped Parsley"
   1 "4","6","340","g","French Beans","3","T","*5","1","T","Fresh Lemon Juice","2","n","*2","2","T","Chopped Parsley","0","#","*1"
   1 "4","5","4","n","Bananas,peeled & halved","113","g","butter","57","g","Barbados Muscovdo Sugar","1","n","Orange","57","m","Warmed Rum"
   1 "4","5","283","g","Frozen Peas","14","g","Butter","1","n","Shallot(s) chopped","114","m","Chicken Stock","0","#","*1"
   1 "4","4","450","g","Waxy Potatoes","28","g","Butter","1","T","Cooking Oil","0","#","Salt"
   1 "4","4","300","g","Courgettes","3","T","Flour","200","m","Milk","0","#","*1"
   1 "4","3","283","g","Basmati Rice","0","#","Lots of Salted Water","0","#","Lots of Patience"
   1 "4","11","1","n","Head(s), Cauliflower","426","m","Milk",".25","n","Stock cube","28","g","*0","28","g","Flour","84","g","Grated Cheese","0","#","*1","0","#","Grated Nutmeg",".5","t","French Mustard","2","T","Dried Breadcrumbs","0","#","Melted Butter"
   1 "4","1","1","3"
   1 "4","0","1" 
   1 "3";"Imperial or Metric Units?";
   1 "3";"Imperial or Metric Units?":
   1 "3","5","When 1/5 of oil has been added  change to a teaspoon & then to  a tablespoon after 
   1 "3","5","Bake at top of Mk7,425
   1 "20";"Page ";y;" of ";a$'':
   1 "20";"(";v$;")":
   1 "20";"(";V$;")"
   1 "20","VEGETABLES"
   1 "20","DESSERTS"
   1 "2";"Ingredients for ";
   1 "12","3","12","n","Pears","500","g","Clear Honey","1","n","Lemon, juiced"
   1 "12","10","1","K","Sliced Savoy Cabbage",".5","K","Diced Potatoes","50","g","Danelard","60","g","Flour","30","g","*4","1","n","*2",".5","t","Caraway Seed","2","t","'Noble Sweet Paprika","1","t","Marjoram","0","#","*1"
   1 "10";"For how many?";
   1 "10","7","250","g","Vanilla Sugar","8","n","Egg Yolks",".5","L","Milk","1","n","Vanilla Pod","4.5","t","Gelatine, sponged",".5","L","Whipping Cream","50","g","Vanilla Sugar"
   1 "10","0","3"
   1 "1";q$;" May be cooked ahead to here."'':
   1 "1";q$;"  May be cooked ahead to here."'':
   1 "1";"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 "1"; "flashing";
   1 "1","5","Roll out pastry & line a suit-  able sized flan ring. Fully     bake blind in Mk7,425
   1 "1","4","Whisk whites with a pinch of    salt & tartar to soft peak.Add  1 tsp of the castor per white   & beat hard for 
   1 "1","4","Wash rice very thoroughly in    running water.","Add to water at full rolling    boil & bring back to boil.Cook  till centre of grain is not     hard when tested between the    teeth, about 8-12 mins.","Immediately drain, rinse with   cold water & then with hot.     Dry off in buttered covered     dish in very low oven for at    least 
   1 "1","4","Wash cabbage, blanch 5 mins in  abundant boiling water, drain   and bring to boil with a lit-   tle water (or stock). Add spi-  ces, season & simmer.","After 30 mins, add potatoes &   simmer, covered till cooked.","Prepare a brown roux by frying  lard & flour, add onions, gar-  lic & paprika, stir in enough   cold water to make thick sauce  & add to cabbage. Simmer 15     mins to blend flavours.Serve.","
   1 "1","4","Use your favourite recipe to    make pancakes. Peel, core &     slice apples. Lightly saut
   1 "1","4","Unless the potatoes are small,  cut them so that pieces are     same size.","Parboil in salted water 5 mins  Drain,shaking about to roughen  surface. If done in advance,    keep in poly bag when cold.","
   1 "1","4","Top, tail & halve beans & cook  in salted water till just done","Meanwhile, combine other ingr-  edients to make dressing.","Dress while still warm.","
   1 "1","4","Top & tail gooseberries, cook   gently in covered pan with the  butter for about 5 mins until   opaque. Mash but do not turn    into smooth pur
   1 "1","4","Spread 1/4 Cr
   1 "1","4","Put cottage cheese in a muslin  bag, allow to drip overnight.   Make pancakes to your favour-   ite recipe.","Beat yolks with castor sugar    till pale, add cottage cheese,  raisins, vanilla & lemon rind   to taste & mix well.","
   1 "1","4","Peel,core & slice apples, keep  in water + lemon juice till     needed. Mix all remaining ing-  redients except juice, butter   & pastry.","In a deep pie dish, layer app-  les & mixture. Dot with butter  & add juice. Cover with pastry  & decorate. Bake at Mk6,400
   1 "1","4","Peel, halve & core pears, put   into water with half the juice","Dissolve honey in water, bring  to boil, add rest of juice.Put  drained pears in 1 layer in     dish, pour over honey etc.","Add enough water just to cover  & bake at Mk4,350
   1 "1","4","Peel & core pineapple, blanch   peaches in boiling water for    30 secs & plunge immediately    into cold water,peel & cut up.","Hull strawberries, peel, core   & cut up pears, put all into a  serving bowl.","Add sugar & marsala & lemon     juice to taste.Chill overnight  & stir gently once or twice.","
   1 "1","4","Pare zest from lemon, mix with  wine & brandy & add juice. Re-  frigerate overnight.","Strain into bowl, add sugar &   stir to dissolve. Still stir-   ing, add cream & nutmeg.","Whisk till mixture holds shape  & spoon into dishes. Refriger-  ate overnight.","
   1 "1","4","Parboil sprouts in plenty of    salted water 7 mins. Drain &    cool quickly under cold tap.","
   1 "1","4","Parboil peeled potatoes 1/4 hr  Meanwhile fry ~Speck~ in lard   till transparent, add onion &   fry till golden.","
   1 "1","4","No quntities are given as this  is such a variable recipe. Cut  potatoes into thick slices,mix  with tuna, beans, & olives.","If anchovies very salty, soak   in a little milk. 
   1 "1","4","Melt butter, add carrots & su-  gar. Stir over high heat for a  few mins until carrots begin    to take colour.","Add stock & seasonings. Simmer  till carrots are tender, stock  has been absorbed & butter re-  apears.","
   1 "1","4","Make caramel from smaller am-   ount of sugar & coat mould.","Beat eggs & yolks with rest of  sugar, infuse vanilla pod in    boiling milk 10 mins & strain   milk gradually into eggs while  beating.","Pour into mould, bake in Mk3,   325
   1 "1","4","Make batter from yolks, milk,   flour, melted butter & castor   sugar. Add zest & sultanas.     Beat egg whites to soft peak    & fold into batter.","Pour into a well buttered bak-  ing tin, large enough that the  batter is 
   1 "1","4","Lay leeks in 2-3 layers in a    casserole, add water to come    2/3 of the way up leeks, add    butter & salt & bring to boil.","Boil fairly fast 30-40 mins     until water almost gone & bake  covered with foil at Mk3,325
   1 "1","4","Grate zest from orange peel &   chop pulp. Put zest & pulp in   pan with washed apricots, add   water just to cover & simmer,   uncovered 15 mins.","Add sugar, cook until apricots  are very tender & juices al-    most all absorbed. Cool, blend  or sieve to pur
   1 "1","4","Grate zest from half the lem-   ons into bowl.Juice lemons &    use juice to sponge gelatine.   Beat egg yolks with zest,grad-  ually adding sugar till thick.","Add melted gelatine & whisk     over hot water till thickened   again. Cool immediately.","Beat whites with a pinch each   of salt & tartar to soft peak   & cut & fold into lemon base.   Turn into bowl & chill.","
   1 "1","4","Gently melt chocolate & coffee  together, stirring to smooth    cream.","Stir in butter, yolks & rum.    In a large bowl, beat whites    with a pinch each of cream of   tartar & salt to a soft peak.","Stir 1/4 of whites into choco-  late, then cut & fold mixture   into egg whites. Dish into in-  dividual pots,chill overnight.","
   1 "1","4","Cut cauliflower into florets,   wash them & parboil 8-10 mins   until stalks are still a bit    crisp. Drain & cool in cold     water. Drain as soon as cold.","Meanwhile cook butter & flour   together 1 min stirring.Remove  from heat & stir in milk a bit  at a time. Bring back to boil,  over gentle heat ,stirring all  the time.","Add stock cube, mustard,nutmeg  & cheese.  Season to taste.","
   1 "1","4","Cut bacon into pieces 1~ long   & 1/4~ square & blanch 10 mins  in boiling water.Drain & stew   with carrots & onions in lard   10 mins. Add red cabbage.","Raise heat, stir well together  & then simmer covered 10 mins.","Add rest of ingredients & sim-  mer at Mk2,300
   1 "1","4","Cook potatoes in skins till     JUST done. Peel while warm &    cut into 1/4~ slices","
   1 "1","3","Top tail & halve beans.Parboil  8 mins in copious salted water  until crisp but not tough. Re-  fresh under running cold water  till cold. Drain","
   1 "1","3","This recipe must be made with   natural vanilla.","Infuse vanilla pod in boiling   milk for 10 mins while beating  egg yolks with larger quantity  of sugar till thick & pale.","Continue beating & strain milk  into eggs. Transfer to washed   out pan, add melted gelatine &  heat stirring continuously un-  till thickened lightly."
   1 "1","3","Take orange, grate zest, & ex-  tract juice.","Fry bananas in half the butter  till just coloured & transfer   to chafing dish, layering with  remaining butter, the sugar,    zest & orange juice","Heat chafing dish gently for    a moment or two.Pour rum over,  re-heat and light. Bring flam-  ing to table."
   1 "1","3","Sift flour with pinch of salt,  mix with eggs & enough water    to make a stiff dough.","Chill 20 mins, then divide in   half, roll out thin.On one      half, place 1/2 tspfulls of     jam at 2~ intervals. Brush      spaces with egg white & put     other sheet on top.","Press down lightly between the  heaps of jam to make sheets of  pastry adhere. Leave 10 mins."
   1 "1","3","Season flour & put in large     polythene bag. Trim end from    courgettes, wipe (don't peel)   & cut into 1/4~ thick slices.","Put milk in bowl, dip courg-    ettes into milk, put into bag,  shake well together,remove &    shake off excess flour.","Deep fry till golden, about 2-  3 mins. Serve immediately."
   1 "1","3","Roll out pastry & line a suit-  ably sized flan ring. Partly    bake blind as for quiche.","Peel Apples, quarter & core,    putting them in water + lemon   juice. Take 3/4 of them, chop   roughly & cook over low heat    with butter until soft","Add sugar, brandy, jam & spice  & boil, stirring till thick     enough to hold shape in spoon." 
   1 "1","3","Remove damaged outer lettuce    leaves, separate & wash thor-   oughly. 
   1 "1","3","Put all together in large pan,  bring to boil & simmer 
   1 "1","3","Peel onions & trim.  Saut
   1 "1","3","Peel aubergines, slice length-  ways 
   1 "1","3","Fry onions & garlic in lard     till golden, add paprika, fry   5 secs & add a little water.","Add other ingredients & cook    on lowish heat, shaking pan to  stop potatoes sticking. Serve   when potatoes are done. There   should not be much sauce.","
   1 "1","3","Clean chosen vegetable & cut    into small pieces. Cook till    tender as in recipe for Glazed  carrots(recipe D).","Stirring carefully, sprinkle    over flour and enough stock or  water to make sauce. Correct    seasoning & add parsley.","
   1 "1","3","Chop mushrooms finely & wring   out juice in cloth. Fry shall-  ots 1 min in butter, add mush-  rooms & season with salt,pepp-  er & nutmeg.","Cook over moderate heat till    duxelles stick slightly, corr-  ect seasoning very carefully &  add lemon juice to taste.","
   1 "1","3","Beat yolks & castor sugar till  pale & thick,beat in flour &    still beating, add milk in a    thin stream.","Stir with a whisk over moder-   ate heat until thick. Boil,st-  irring 3-4 mins,add butter &    flavourings.","
   1 "1","3","Beat eggs with castor sugar     till pale & thick.","Transfer to top of double sau-  cepan & beat over simmering     water, adding the marsala a     little at a time.","The zabaglione is done when it  has thickened slightly & incr-  eased in volume. Pour into in-  dividual cups, serve."
   1 "1","2","Put egg yolk with lemon juice,  mustard & seasonings into a     bowl. 
   1 "1","2","Keep potatoes in cold water     till needed.Use a 2~ deep oven  -to-table baking dish large     enough to hold the potatoes; &  rub with cut garlic.","Dry potatoes & layer 
   1 "1","2","Cook shallots in butter 
   1 "0.999"))/
   1 "0";"To remind yourself of the title PLEASE 
   1 "0";" number for hints, any letter key  to continue.   ":
   1 ","Whip cream with vanilla sugar   sandwich with fruit between 2   discs. Dust with sugar. Serve."
   1 ","Whip cream with sugar, spread   over outside of pudding.Serve."
   1 ","Whip cream & vanilla sugar  &   pipe to decorate. Serve"
   1 ","When ready to serve, pour vin-  aigrette over, toss at table."
   1 ","Spread a suitable sized baking  dish with 1/3 the butter & lay  the sprouts heads up in one or  two layers & season lightly.","Pour over the rest of the but-  ter & bake at Mk4,350
   1 ","Salading may be kept in a big   polythene bag in refrigerator.  Just before serving, cut gar-   lic in half & rub salad bowl    well with cut side. Arrange     salading in bowl. At table,add  vinaigrette & toss thoroughly."
   1 ","Reheat gently, sprinkle with    parsley & serve."
   1 ","Reheat gently & sprinkle with   chopped parsley."
   1 ","Reheat at Mk4,350
   1 ","Preheat fat in tin, add potat-  oes & roast 75-105 mins,bast-   ing & turning, depending on     quantity of potatoes & temper-  ature. When cooked, remove,     sprinkle with salt & serve im-  mediately.  They don't keep."
   1 ","Keeps for ages in a fridge."
   1 ","Just before eating, cut into    bits about 1/4~,fry golden in   butter, sprinkle with Vanilla   sugar. Good with melba sauce."
   1 ","If you intend to reheat, cook   less long, leaving a little     milk in dish. Reheat 10 mins    in hot oven. Gratin Savoyard    is made by substituting stock   for milk & increasing butter    by 50%."
   1 ","If made in advance, reheat in   cool oven. Best with clotted    cream. Half a quince makes a    stunning  addition. Try it!"
   1 ","Heat fats in frying pan, when   really hot add potatoes & cook  till golden on one side, turn   over quickly & do other side.","Remove from pan quickly, salt   lightly and serve immediately.  Saut
   1 ","Heat butter in pan till sizz-   ling,add garlic or almonds,fry  a moment & then add beans.      Toss 2-3 mins till tender.      Season, sprinkle with parsley   & serve immediately." 
   1 ","Drop the pockets into a large   pan of boiling water.","When they rise to surface, re-  move them & pour cold water     over them. When drained, put    into a pan with hot bread-      crumbs browned in lard & shake  well to coat with breadcrumbs.  Dredge with sugar & serve."
   1 ","Cut potatoes with a fork into   pan & cook together, stirring   carefully to prevent burning    but without breaking potatoes.","Add parsley, season & serve."
   1 ","Beat whites to soft peak, fold  into mixture & fill pancakes    leaving one unstuffed to cover  the rest. Bake 15 mins or till  hot at Mk5,375
   1 "," Serve hot or cold. If reheat-   ing, do it slowly!" 
   1 "'" in this part:-";
   1  that was a mistake,  but you've pressed the wrong button.Please try again more carefully!":
   1  potatoes do not keep hot  at all."
   1  oil is     added. Correct seasoning & add  1 tbs boiling water.","
   1  oil into a jug.","Beat egg yolks steadily with a  wooden spoon while dipping a    fork( yes I do mean fork ) in-  to the oil & allowing it to     drip oil into egg mixture."
   1  of curdling egg yolks   see recipe for Bavarois."
   1  not to scorch     bottom of pan, stir well."
   1  min. Cut &    fold in rest of castor.","Spoon or pipe onto 2 big circ-  les drawn on Bakewell paper &   bake at Mk1,275
   1  min,  add other ingredients.","Bring to boil & cook, covered   4-5 mins. Raise heat & boil     away liquid, shaking to prev-   ent burning.Correct seasoning   & serve immediately."
   1  lettuce  into small pieces, arrange ar-  round serving bowl. Pile pot-   ato mixture in middle & arr-    ange quartered eggs & tomatoes  round sides.","
   1  into small pieces  (never cut up lettuce) & dry    very carefully. Clean & slice   thinly spring onions. Prepare   vinaigrette from last 5 ingr-   edients.","
   1  in dish  Season well & sprinkle with 
   1  in  butter & mix with sugar.","Make Creme Patissi
   1  in   oil & butter over medium heat   10  mins, rolling them about    to try to get them evenly       browned  without burning.","Add other ingredients, & sim-   mer covered 40-50 mins till     onions are tender but intact.","
   1  hr.","Meanwhile, peel halve & deseed  tomatoes & salt inside. Leave   to drain 
   1  hr, fluffing rice once  with cooks fork.","
   1  hr then cut into 
   1  hr     uncovered.","Strain through fine sieve &     cool quickly.","
   1  aubergines & courgettes."
   1  any key to continue.":
   1  THE NUMBER ";
   1  Potatoes."
   1  Bananas."
   1  'M' for ingredients again,any other key to return to lists":
   1  'I' OR 'M'":
   1  '1' , '2'  or  '3'":
   1  '  Z  ' TO RETURN TO LISTS
   1   It's very difficult to help ifyou won't co-operate! Now try tofind a sensible key to press.   ":
   1   HARD COPY? PRESS 'Y' OR 'N'                                   
   1    the cheese & butter. Repeat,    dotting butter over top."